Building Department
» Steep Slope Permit (pdf)
» Grading Plan Application (pdf)
» Mechanical Inspection (3 copies needed)
» Dumpster Permit (pdf)
» Pool Permit Appliction (pdf)
» Smoke Detectors - Carbon Monoxide (pdf)
» Construction Permit Application (pdf)
» Building Subcode Technical Section (need 3 copies) (pdf)
» Electrical Subcode Technical Section(need 3 copies) (pdf)
» Plumbing Subcode Technical Section(need 3 copies) (pdf)
» Fire Protection Subcode Technical Section(3 copies needed) (pdf)
» Application for Certificate (pdf)
» UCC F390 Framing Checklist (pdf)

Building Department

John Keane, Construction Official

100 First Ave.
Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716
Phone: (732) 291-1444 Ext 3106 
Fax: (732) 291-9725

Office Hours:

Monday through  Friday  8:30am-4:30pm  

Summer Hours July - August Mon-Thurs 8:00am-5:00pm and Friday 8:30am-12:30pm      

Inspections Schedules:

Building -Mondays & Wednesdays between 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Electrical & Fire - Tuesdays & Thursdays between 2:30pm-5:30pm

Plumbing - Mondays & Fridays between 4:30pm-6:00pm.

Please call 732-291-1444 Ext 3106 to set up inspections or email

A Notice From The Construction Office

It is unlawful to construct, enlarge, repair, renovate, alter, reconstruct or demolish a structure or to install or alter any equipment which is regulated by the Uniform Construction Code without first filing an application with the Construction Official and obtaining the required construction permit.

Projects that require a construction permit are not complete until final inspections are made and a Certificate of Occupancy/Approval is issued by the Construction Official. In accordance with N. J. State Law, a building which has been erected, renovated or altered shall not be occupied or used in whole or part until a certificate of occupancy has been issued by the Construction Official.

The permit fees collected when obtaining the construction permit include necessary inspections being made by various construction inspectors. Don’t cheat yourself by not calling for final inspections. N. J. State Law, N.J.A.C. 13 :45A -16.2, requires that final inspections be made before final payment is made to the contractor. Without final inspections you will not receive the necessary Certificate of Occupancy/Approval.

UCC (Uniform Construction Code)  New Jersey Uniform Construction Code

The administrative code that is used throughout New Jersey is known as the Uniform Construction Code (U.C.C.). The U.C.C. adopts other National Code Books as the technical text for each discipline.

There are four departments (Building, Plumbing, Fire and Electric) that issue permits necessary for review, inspection, and approval including Commercial CO's.

The Building Department of the Borough of Atlantic Highlands is responsible for enforcing housing codes which were established to ensure the proper maintenance and utilization of existing buildings and properties within the Borough. The Construction Department is also responsible for enforcing the regulations of the State Uniform Construction Code, which was established by the State of New Jersey to ensure that new construction (commercial, industrial, and residential) adhere to minimum standards of workmanship and safety.  Our Building Department inspectors review structural construction, plumbing, heating and air conditioning, and electrical work prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy to ensure compliance with IBC 2006 NJ Edition and IRC 2006 NJ edition, National Electric Code (NEC 2008), National Standard Plumbing 2006, State Uniform Construction Code.  State inspectors are used to perform elevator inspections.

Effective January 1, 2006 all home improvement contractors must be registered with the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs. They will have to produce a registration card from the State before any permits can be issued. This is, of course, a benefit to the homeowners. For more information call Consumer Affairs at: 1-888-656-6225


If you would like a permit package mailed, please call or email the Building Department requesting the permits needed.  


New Construction / Additions / Renovations

For new construction and additions, a survey of your property is required with the existing and the proposed drawing. Two (2) sets of New Jersey architectural sealed plans. Complete building plans, electrical and plumbing schematics. Plans should include the cubic volume and square feet of additions.  Homeowners can draw their own plans if the are the general contractors. If building in the R-2 & R-3 Zone a Steep Slope permit is required, please call to confirm. If you are not sure which zone you reside in please contact the Building Dept. 

  • Furnace / HWH / A.C. / Radon
  • Deck / Cedar Impression Siding 
  • Fence
  • Tank Installation / Tank Removal
  • Lawn Sprinkler Systems
  • Demolitions
  • Electrical Service
  • Pools
  • Shed / Sidewalk / New Driveway

Commonly Asked Questions

  Q. Who is responsible for obtaining the permit? Me or my contractor?

A. You, as the property owner, are responsible for all things related to your property. Some contractors will, as a service, secure the permit for you. But you must ensure that the contractor does this prior to performing any work. Doing work without a permit is subject to penalties of $2000.00 per NJ Uniform Construction Code.

There has been a recent trend for homeowners to put themselves at risk of extra liability when doing work at their homes. If the contractor advises the homeowner to sign the application and file for the permit in their own name, then the liability becomes the homeowner's problem. The contractor now becomes a sub-contractor. Anything that can go wrong, goes back to the homeowner, and his insurance. Insurance companies have refused to back up the owner, in previous cases. We strongly suggest that the homeowner has the contractor sign off on all permits.

Another problem occurs when a builder does the drawings and has the homeowner sign off, as if he or she drew them. In addition to being in violation of the law, this is risky. When the homeowner does this, he assumes all of the risk. If there is a problem later, the builder is off the hook, and we have no way of protecting the owner.

 If it is an emergency job, such as a HWH, Furnace, A/C, work can start as soon as possible. Please call the Building Department to let us know and permits must then be submitted into our office within 5 days after we are notified.

Q: Is Zoning approval required prior to applying for a construction permit?

A: Yes - Zoning Approval is required before building permits are obtained

Q: When is a survey required?

A: Surveys are required when you are applying for a fence, swimming pool, retaining walls, new HVAC units, garage, shed, additions, new homes, and driveways.

Q: What type of permits is required if I want to remove or sand fill an oil tank?

A: Building permits along with a copy of your DEP (Department of Enviornmental Protection) License from contracotr and a copy of the survey showing where the tank is located.

Q: Do I need a permit for.....

A shed or fence?    

A: Yes, permits are required for all fences even if replacing an existing fence. Sheds over 100Sq. Feet require a permit. A copy of your survey is required showing where you will be placing the shed or fence. No more than one shed is permitted per lot.

Roofing or siding work?    

A: Yes.

Replacement windows?    

A: No, unless opening is altered

Kitchen cabinetry?   

 A: No.

Direct Replacement of Furnace, A/C. or Water Heater? 

A. Yes.


Visit here to see types of work that do not require a permit and types of minor work that do require a permit. This is directly from the NJ Uniform Construction Code:

Q. How long does it take to obtain a permit? 

A. It depends upon what type of work is involved. State law requires that we review your application within 20 working days. If all information for the job is submitted correctly then the permit process moves quickly. If other information is still required the process may take longer.

Q. What if I get caught working without a permit?

A. A penalty of $2000.00 will be assessed and any work done may be required to be removed.

Q: How many sets of architectural drawings does the town require in order to obtain permits for new construction or additions? Do they need to be sealed?

A: Two (2) sets of sealed drawing are required.

Q. What do I do if I failed an inspection?

A: Call the Building Department to request a list of violations if not left at the site by the inspector. Once given the list, correct and then call us for reinspection.

Q. How do I display my permit?

A: Under Borough Ordinance all issued permits must be displayed and visible from the street. Upon issuance of your permit you will be given a yellow placard to place in a conspicuous location, such as your front window. This also makes it easier for inspectors to locate your homes upon inspections.